Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Truck-Car Collisions Accident Lawyer in Harrisburg, PA

We Handle Accidents Between Cars and Commercial Trucks

Many people do not realize how devastating a car and truck collision can be. Many tractor-trailers and 18-wheelers carry tons of cargo, contributing to the damages in accidents. The size and weight of the truck vastly outweigh that of other vehicles and, as such, can cause serious, life-altering injuries and fatalities.

At Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP, we are a firm that is dedicated to helping injured people and their families. It is important to us that clients are protected and that compensation is obtained for the losses they have suffered due to a truck driver’s negligence or someone else’s recklessness.

We frequently handle cases involving catastrophic injuries such as:

Pursuing Accountability

At Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP, our attorneys are highly skilled litigators who can work to settle your case or take the matter to trial. We are committed to seeking a resolution to the case that is in your best interests and will accept nothing less. Our firm goes to great lengths to investigate your car and truck collision matter, examining all potential causes of the truck accident to determine who is ultimately liable.

Wrongful Death

Unfortunately, many truck and car accidents are fatal. This can leave surviving family members wondering what their rights are and who is to be held responsible for the death of their loved one.

Our firm compassionately handles wrongful death cases. We are sensitive to the needs of our grieving clients while maintaining our zealous pursuit of justice for their lost loved ones.

Contact Us

Let us help you take action after a car and truck accident. Contact a personal injury lawyer at Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP today to learn more about how we handle car and truck collision matters.