Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Driving hazards to anticipate this spring

Most Pennsylvanians look forward to the moment that the ice finally melts and the temperatures start to rise. It’s the moment that we get our first taste of spring and realize that only warmer months are ahead.

However, with the first moment of spring comes more dangers for commuters across the state. Luckily, if you know these five hazards, you can prevent any dangers from affecting your ability to drive.

Rainy weather

Most east coast residents know that spring is known for heavy showers and consistent rainfall. Due to the rain, it’s critical that drivers slow down and keep their distance from other drivers on slick roads. You do not want to be in the middle of a slippery accident on your way to work.

Wildlife activity

Pennsylvania has beautiful forests across the region, and many drivers love passing through them during the springtime. However, spring is when more animals emerge from hibernation or start their mating season. You must watch out for more anima activity in the spring and avoid hitting them while driving.

Sun glare

Sunshine is one of the best aspects of spring, but it’s horrible on drivers’ eyes. You should prevent sun glare by using polarized sunglasses while driving or keeping your windshield clean – dirty windshields tend to scatter light and make driving more difficult.

More traffic

Along with more furry friends on the road, drivers should expect more motorists and pedestrians on the streets. When there are more drivers on the road, there are more opportunities to end up in a serious car accident. Your best strategy is to minimize distractions as much as possible and be vigilant while changing lanes or turning.


Winter is incredibly damaging on the roads themselves, and when the snow finally disappears, drivers will only notice huge potholes that are left. As the driver, you have to avoid potholes as much as you can. They can cause serious damage to your tires and alignment if you hit the wrong pothole.

All these hazards can be avoided, but there will be situations where you can’t prevent a car accident. If you are involved in a motor vehicle incident this spring, make sure to seek medical attention and collect evidence for any future claims.