Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

An employee applied for workers’ compensation in two states

A bridge worker went beyond the standards of traditional process and applied for workers’ benefits in two states, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, after they injured their hand while working on the bridge that crosses the states’ borders.

The case is unique because the worker injured their hand during the improvement project on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge in 2014. The bridge is owned by the Delaware River Port Authority, created through a joint-effort of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. It made the worker eligible to seek benefits in either state after the work injury.

The employee, Zachary Kreschollek, initially filed a claim through his employer in New Jersey in 2014 and received benefits through February 2016. However, as a Philadelphia resident, Kreschollek filed for disability benefits in Pennsylvania due to the same injury in April 2016.

He stated he sought benefits through the employer but still needed assistance due to the injury. However, the judge denied the claim since the injury happened on New Jersey soil. The Workers’ Compensation Board validated the ruling afterward.

How to successfully pursue benefits in PA

While Kreschollek was not able to receive benefits in Pennsylvania, other workers may be eligible for workers’ compensation if the injury happened in the state. Employees have to file a claim through their employer then receive approval for benefits, such as lost wages or health care expenses.

Staff members should consult with their process for filing for workers’ compensation. If you are a qualified worker and your injury is related to a work hazard (not self-infliction), you should be successful in seeking benefits for your situation.