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Why you should talk to your teen about driving this week

It is the third week of October, which means it is National Teen Driver Safety Week. The United States Department of Transportation is campaigning for parents to talk to their teenagers about proper driving etiquette, as car crashes remain the leading cause for teen deaths in the nation.

Aside from this week remaining an annual tradition, it also serves as the perfect opportunity to prepare your child for the driving dangers that remain for the rest of the year. You should consider the following hazards your teen might have to face in the following months and think about how you want to make them aware of those problems.

Seasonal changes

November marks the arrival of cooler weather, stronger winds and higher chances of fog in Pennsylvania. Your kid might wake up one morning and find frost covering their windshields. Remind them to keep a snow brush and ice scraper in their car at all times since it could happen every morning. Many teens make the mistake of not having one in their car and are ill-prepared when they see it covering their vehicles in the morning.

Additionally, you will have to switch the clock for daylight savings time on Sunday, November 4. Less sunlight will be available in the morning and the evening, and your child will need some time adjusting their eyes and possibly sleep schedules to the change. Additionally, November will mark the peak of deer mating season in Pennsylvania. You need to warn your child to drive slower around forests and rural areas during the month to lessen the chance of a serious deer crash, which happens frequently in this state during this month.

Party protection

Halloween and Christmas are two of the most popular times of the year for teens to throw parties, and both of them will be here before you know it. Despite the nation’s attempt to increase drunk driving awareness, underage drinking still remains a constant issue. In 2013, underage drinking cost the state over $2.4 billion in injuries and treatment.

Your teen should enjoy their newfound freedom behind the wheel, but they also need to be reminded of the ever-changing dangers they will face throughout the years. You need to provide a good example with your driving habits and provide them with enough information to convince them to avoid reckless behavior. Showing a couple of statistics on drunk or distracted driving deaths in Pennsylvania might set them up on the right path.