Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Does safety gear really protect construction workers from injury?

Construction represents a huge portion of the many industries that make Pennsylvania thrive. If not for workers in the construction industry Pennsylvania residents would not be able to enjoy the infrastructure of the state’s cities, not to mention the residential homes the industry provides.

Unfortunately, construction workers are at risk of exposure to numerous situations that could lead to serious injuries. The nature of the work is labor intensive and involves equipment, machinery, working at heights and moving heavy loads. All of these situations can be dangerous, which is why the government created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA provides real-world strategies to keep the nation’s workforce as safe as possible from occupational injuries.

Part of OSHA’s important work is to offer strategies and guidelines to keep employees safe in the event of a construction worker accident. These strategies include advocating for the use of safety gear such as:

— Hard hats and other gear to protect the head during construction work

— Face shields and safety glasses to protect workers from chemicals, flying particles and other eye and face hazards

— Heavy-duty gloves appropriate to the nature of the work

— Heavy-duty boots with non-skid soles and steel toes when appropriate

— Stable and safe scaffolding for work at high elevations

Having the right safety gear is crucial, but construction workers must also inspect their personal gear routinely to look for damage or wear. A lot of study and testing goes into the gear that OSHA and other safety organizations recommend, meaning that safety gear used properly really does provide workers with protection during construction worker accidents.

Employers and contractors have the responsibility to provide their employees a safe environment in which to work. The attorneys with Shollenberger, Januzzi and Wolfe LLP help injured construction workers with workers’ compensation or third party personal injury lawsuits. Call us or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and find out how we can help you.

Source:, “Worker Safety Series: Construction,” accessed Sep. 17, 2015