Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Pennsylvania electrical worker dies after 50-foot fall

It has been reported that a 32-year-old electrical worker died on Oct. 9th when he fell more than 50 feet from a bucket in Delco in Upper Chichester. The accident occurred at around 7:30 am on Winding Way while the man was working on power lines.

It is unclear whether the man’s death was caused by the fall or whether he first came in contact with the lines. Authorities, including the Upper Chichester Police Department and the Delaware County Medical Examiner’s office, are still investigating the accident and the cause and manner of the man’s death.

The man was employed by Lenni Electric, a contracting company which provides services to the Township for maintenance and repairs to streetlights. Authorities, while not releasing the man’s name, indicated he was married and left behind several children.

Many people are injured or killed in Pennsylvania each year due to workplace accidents. Construction site accidents account for a large number of these injuries each year. When people have been injured or killed in an accident while on the job due to conditions of their workplace, they or their families may be able to recover for pecuniary losses suffered through filing a workers’ compensation action. Potential workers’ compensation benefits could include funeral expenses, lost current and future expected income, and other associated damages caused by the accident. A workers’ compensation attorney can review the individual facts of a case and assist families with filing a claim. The attorney can also provide representation at a subsequent appeal should the workers’ compensation claim be denied in whole or in part.

Source: The Delco Times, “Electrical worker dies after fall from bucket truck in Upper Chicester“, Oct. 9, 2014.

Source:  CBS Philly, “Worker Dies After Falling From Bucket Truck In Delco“, October 09, 2014