Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Construction accident information

A construction accident can result in serious health and financial implications for a Pennsylvania worker, especially if the incident results in a lengthy recovery time without the ability to work. While workers’ compensation is an important benefit for addressing issues such as medical treatment and lost wages, there may be other sources of compensation for you to consider based on the facts of a case. In an incident that results in a permanent disability, for example, Social Security Disability Insurance might be available. If negligent activities of a third party contributed to a construction accident, it might be appropriate to file a personal injury claim as well.

Employee classification could also play a role in your legal options. If you have been correctly classified as an independent contractor, workers’ compensation may not be available. In such a case, it may be necessary to pursue a personal injury claim to recover medical costs and to account for lost income.

Construction incidents can range dramatically in severity. The industry exposes workers to risks due to heavy equipment, chemicals, awkward and precarious work settings, loose materials, and other factors. Injuries suffered in the construction environment can be as simple as cuts and scrapes, but they can also be quite serious. Employees may even deal with symptoms of work-related injuries that aren’t immediately attributed to the construction setting. Examples include lung problems, back pain and hearing loss.

If you are dealing with a construction-related injury, you should seek medical attention promptly. In deciding what avenues to pursue as you deal with your injury, you may find that legal counsel is helpful. If you are ineligible for workers’ compensation, for example, a lawyer may help you in filing a personal injury claim related to the incident. If you are unsure of your eligibility for workers’ compensation, a lawyer may help you to clarify possible benefits. Please see our construction accident page for more information.

Source:  Shollenberger & Januzzi, LLP, “Harrisburg Construction Accident Lawyer“, September 04, 2014