Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Turnpike worker killed, another injured

An 8 a.m. accident on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on June 1 resulted in the death of a construction worker and injury to another. A tractor-trailer entered a lane that had been blocked to permit workers to do repair work.

Police are continuing to investigate the accident that closed the highway for several hours. It happened in Chester County on the westbound side of the road between King of Prussia and Downington.

The 61-year-old Montgomery County man who was killed had been employed as an equipment operator for nine years. The injured worker was a foreman who suffered from minor injuries. The truck driver was also injured and taken to the hospital. The governor expressed his condolences to the family of the killed man.

This accident caused the death of one road worker, injury to another worker and injury to the tractor-trailer driver. The family of the man who was killed may consider consulting with an attorney to determine actions that could be taken to help compensate for lost income that the experienced equipment operator was earning. If the supervisor’s injuries are serious enough to keep him or her from returning to the job, he or she may benefit from assistance to help assure that paperwork is completed accurately and timely in order to attain all the benefits provided by workers’ compensation. The injured worker may need medical treatment, physical or occupational therapy and medication before he is able to return to work. Until he is physically able to return to earning a paycheck, the family may need to depend on the income that workers’ compensation can provide.

Source:  WFMZ, “Turnpike worker killed in crash”, June 02, 2014