Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Pennsylvania motorcyclist dies when he hits turning truck

Motorcyclists are out in force on Pennsylvania roads these days, as the weather is nice and the days are longer. People who ride motorcycles will tell you that the feeling of being on a bike is one that is hard to match. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are sometimes difficult for other drivers to see. There can be many reasons for this; the glare from the sun can obscure drivers’ vision, and motorcyclists can sometimes be virtually invisible if they are in a vehicle’s blind spot.

In other cases, a driver might not be paying close enough attention or might not expect to have a motorcyclist approaching from the opposite direction. It isn’t clear exactly happened to cause a motorcycle accident earlier this week in Northampton County, but the end result was that the 30-year-old man who had been on the bike was killed as a result.

The crash took place at the entrance to a business in East Allen Township. A semi-truck with a utility trailer was turning into the parking lot of the business when it struck a man on a motorcycle that was approaching from the opposite direction. Police were continuing to investigate the accident; the coroner did rule that the motorcyclist’s death was from multiple traumatic injuries.

Also of note that the motorcyclist was wearing a helmet at the time of the crash. People who ride motorcycles can take all the precautions that they are able to, but still are vulnerable to injury. Those folks who are hurt as a result of another’s negligence may be inclined to seek compensation for their injuries.

Source:  WFMZ-TV, “Northampton man dies after motorcycle and tractor-trailer collide,” June 2, 2014