Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Woman’s story is harrowing reminder of cost of distracted driving

We’ve all heard about Pennsylvania car accidents that are caused by distracted driving. Many times on our blog, we will write about the details of a fatal crash, but we don’t always hear about the continuing effects of such a crash on the victims and their families. These sorts of details help to paint the picture of why it is often important to seek compensation from those who are at fault in serious motor vehicle accidents. The recovery process can be long, painful and expensive.

At a safe driving seminar held recently at Clipper Magazine Stadium, some victims and family members talked to teens and their parents about their harrowing experience. One woman who lost both of her parents and who was seriously injured herself in an accident caused by a distracted driver made a big impact on the crowd with her story.

The woman had just graduated from college and her parents were driving her home when the family was involved in the accident. A minivan driver who had been talking on a cellphone ran a red light. A tractor-trailer swerved to avoid the minivan, and ended up hitting the family’s car head-on. The young woman’s parents were killed, and she suffered a severe brain injury, broken bones and other internal injuries.

The woman now traverses the country to speak about her experiences and to urge people to avoid distractions while driving. She says Pennsylvania laws aren’t keeping up with what they need to in order to better prevent people from texting and driving — or practicing other behaviors that could lead them to be in an accident.

Source:  Lancaster Online, “Jacy Good and Manheim Central mom Melannie Bryson urge teens to put down cellphone, drive safely,” Suzanne Cassidy, March 29, 2014