Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

10 students taken to hospital after pickup, bus collide in Vinco, Pennsylvania

Authorities say that the sun may have been in the eyes of a pickup truck driver when he pulled out in front of a school bus in Vinco, Pennsylvania Thursday morning. Authorities say that the pickup truck driver pulled onto Route 271 around 8:30 Thursday morning. A school bus transporting 26 kids to Jackson Elementary School broadsided the pickup truck.

School district officials say that 10 of the students suffered some form of injury in the traffic accident. Authorities say that many of the kids were understandably shaken up in the motor vehicle accident. The 10 injured students were taken to Memorial Medical Center in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

Officials say that none of the injuries appeared to be serious. A school superintendent says that students who sustained bumps and bruises in the crash were taken to the hospital mainly as a precautionary measure.

All of the students aboard the bus were reportedly checked out by a doctor and a nurse at the scene of the accident. School officials reportedly called the parents of the kids who were on the bus. Eleven of the students were sent home with parents from the scene of the school bus accident. The five remaining students were taken to school in a separate bus.

School officials say that a guidance counselor and a psychiatrist will be available at school for the students who were shaken up in the accident.

An investigation into the pickup truck and school bus accident remains open. Authorities say that both vehicles will be checked out in the probe.

Source: The Tribune-Democrat, “School: No serious injuries in bus wreck,” David Hurst, Sep. 20, 2012