Shollenberger Januzzi & Wolfe, LLP

Lindsay Lohan sued for personal injury in pedestrian accident

Some celebrities just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. Count among them actress Lindsay Lohan, who is being sued by a woman who claims she was struck by Lohan’s sports car while she was crossing the street in September 2010. The pedestrian accident caused “disabling and serious personal injuries, pain, suffering and anguish,” according to the lawsuit.

The suit is the second this month filed against Lohan, who was also sued Jan. 10 by a photographer who claimed he was hit by a vehicle in which the actress was riding two years ago. The man claims he was trying to shoot pictures of her at the time.

The cases add to a long list of auto-related troubles for Lohan. She’s still on probation for a 2007 drunk-driving case filed after she was arrested twice on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. In one of those incidents, Lohan was accused of chasing a vehicle she thought was carrying her former assistant, resulting in two civil suits. One of the lawsuits has been settled and the other could go to trial in March.

Lohan’s record of drunk driving, the civil suits and other auto-related legal problems may not bode well for her in this latest personal injury case. Fortunately for the victims in all of the lawsuits, her celebrity status has not precluded her from paying for her actions. No matter how famous or well-connected a person is, if he or she is proven responsible for injuring another person, the consequences must be paid.

Source : USA Today, “Lindsay Lohan faces lawsuit,” The Associated Press, Jan. 25, 2012