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Man drives into oncoming traffic, kills Pennsylvania driver

A fatal car accident occurred last Thursday afternoon in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. One man was killed and another injured in the multi-vehicle crash. Police are still determining what happened and were working with a reconstruction team last week.

Being the victim in a car accident can be both physically and emotionally traumatizing. Accident victims often have injuries such as broken bones that can affect his or her ability to live life. Additionally, there are a lot of other issues that can arise such as dealing with insurance companies or facing mounting medical bills.

In this particular crash, the driver who caused the chain reaction was injured after being thrown from his vehicle. According to Pennsylvania State Police, the driver had been going north on the highway in his pickup truck when he somehow drove across the grass median and into southbound traffic. At that point his truck struck a smaller vehicle, killing the man driving it.

A third vehicle crashed into the accident; the driver of that car was not hurt. The accident occurred in the afternoon when there may have been a lot of other cars on the road. A multi-vehicle crash has the potential to trigger secondary crashes. If other drivers had not been paying attention, they too may have been involved in the pileup.

The main question that arises from this incident is why the pickup truck driver ended up in oncoming traffic. Hopefully the pickup driver will be able to provide police with answers after his recovery process begins. Though the investigation is ongoing, the answer to this question may help the victim’s family deal with their loss.

Source: The Record Herald online, “Mechanicsburg man killed in I-81 accident Thursday,” 25 February 2011